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Recruiting and HR Professionals From Leading Organizations, Including:


SHRM Recertification

Recruiters Network is recognized by SHRM to offer SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP professional development credits (PDCs). For more information about certification or recertification, please visit shrmcertification.org.

Recruiting News

Veteran Recruiting Best Practices

Register now. Introducing the Austin Recruiters Network, a community for Talent Acquisition and HR professionals to come together to facilitate training, share trends and industry best pract […]

Candidate Prospecting: Going After the Gold

Register now. Recruiting passive talent can be intimidating! So, if it is so difficult to cold-contact great talent, why even bother?? DON'T DESPAIR! It IS worth it, and we can help!! Join A […]

How To Take Your Own Advice: Finding a Recruiting Job in a Global Pandemic

Register here. Recruitment is a profession known for changing people’s professional lives. And as recruiters often in demand, the application and light networking skills that come naturally […]