Tip of the Week: Alison Mackay


Join us for our tip of the week! This tip comes from Alison Mackay, Technical Recruiter at Facebook, who was a panelist on our webinar: Guarantee Great Hiring Decisions, Every Time!

Alison Mackay:

I think it’s so important to really do a formal intake at the beginning of a role. I’ll give you a specific example, it’s about something that happened. We had worked on a role for 366 days and it was brought to me after a couple of other recruiters had worked on it. I just said, “Okay what are we really looking for here?” and I just sat down with the hiring manager and I deep dived with him and I said, “Where have candidates missed the mark? What do you need on the team?” and really had like a formal intake and I feel like sometimes we’re moving so quickly we forget how important that is. Because a job description is a piece of paper, there’s an entire story around that of what the hiring is actually looking for as a team.

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